Dismantling The Cult of Confidence, New YouTube Channel

I gave a lecture this last weekend on the application of probability theory to modern epistemology. It outlines a lot of my own thoughts about the mistakes in public discourse when we talk about the  confidence and certainty. This was delivered at the Socratic Forum for Thought in Seattle Washington:

This blog hasn’t been updated recently since I haven’t had time for writing during my Grad program. However, recently I have participated in several debates and delivered some lectures on topics corresponding to this blog’s subject matter. I am starting a new YouTube channel to host these videos although everything I upload will be re-posted here.


The Truth About Data Science


From a recent conference on data science :

” A data scientist is a statistician who lives in San Francisco.”

“Data Science is statistics on a Mac.”

“A data scientist is someone who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician.”

True words.